Sunday, January 2

I'm Back!

Hello my dear, dear readers! It seems like forever since I have visited my little blog and I am so glad to be back. I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and are looking ahead to 2011 with true ambition!

My vacation was amazing and long but way too short and I can't believe that tomorrow is back to reality. I planned on coming back with a million pictures from my trip but unfortunately misplaced my camera cord and will have to update you tomorrow. Anyways, I would love to hear about your plans for 2011!?

I intend on: running the Nashville marathon in April, utilizing my new planner, saving more money, writing letters to my grandmothers, drinking more water, making more jewelry, loving on my family & friends, and dedicating my time to A Happy Haven!

Here is to a new year and new beginnings! See you tomorrow.

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